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The Power of today, let the world to know you. 
Now you can upload your Programs, Articles/Documents, Love words, Resume and other  to Encycle.com !!
Encycle.com has provided the facility for its visitors to be a part of this site by uploading their data, article etc. of interest that you want to share with rest of the world. You only have to send it to us at deepakrajp@yahoo.com as per our terms and conditions. Remember if your details do not match as per our terms and conditions it is the encycle.com that can either accept or reject your request to upload. Your data can also be uploaded after some editing if it does not meet our minimum required criteria.  
Your data shall be uploaded with your name and email id ( you are required to make a separate request if you do not want to disclose your identity). The details will be kept secret as per you request. This way encycle.com is not being/acting as a mediator and any one can contact you on behalf of your identity (only if you request to disclose). Also if you do not mention any such request in your mail it shall be considered that you agree do disclose yourself. 
Why you should upload with Encycle.com ?

The best point to disclose yourself !!

If you do not own a web-site  or any other source to display your skills in any field, then this is the best way, you upload your data with us and let the rest know about your skills. Lots of people visit our site on daily basis and if they get impressed by your coding, articles, ways to express in words or your profile then you might be the lucky one . So hurry up if you want to disclose yourself with the world. 
 BEFORE YOU UPLOAD. Visit our terms and conditions sections for the details of limited restrictions.
No one can know you until you want.

Owner Encycle.com

Deepak Rajput


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